family time spent exercising and having fun

family time spent exercising and having fun

Vegans Don't Get Protein? Three Best Foods For Vegans To Give Your Body The Protein It Needs

by Luis Williams

One of the most common misconceptions about being a vegan is that you don't get your daily protein that your body needs in order to function properly. As a first time vegan, thinking that you will not be able to consume protein can deter you from fully committing yourself to not eat meat. However, there are several plant-based protein sources that you can consume that will help build muscle mass and keep you healthy and energized. Below is a list of plant-based protein sources that you need to incorporate into your diet in order to make a healthy transition into veganism.


Quinoa is a favorite amongst vegans because it has eight grams of protein for every cup that you eat when it's cooked. This seed is a complete protein which means that it is full of all of the amino acids that are essential to the health and wellness of your body. It is also packed with fiber. You can pair quinoa with vegetables and beans in order to provide a more balanced meal.

Hemp Seeds

Despite the controversy surrounding the word "hemp", it is actually really good for your body. Hemp products are legal because the THC has been extracted so it does not give have the side effect that marijuana has. Hemp seeds can be purchased at any health food store and contain about fifteen grams of protein in just three tablespoons. These seeds are also very versatile and can be put in almost anything you make. They are the best, however, when put into fruit smoothies.


Edamame is a soy bean that is usually served as an appetizer when you go out to eat sushi. This soy bean is not only a delicious addition to your diet, it also has eleven grams of protein in every half cup you use when it's cooked. They are also full of antioxidants and fiber to help support your health and wellness. Soy beans can be added to soups, vegan burgers and salads. You can also crunch on them when you need a quick snack because they fill you up quickly.

Don't let the misconception about becoming a vegan stop you from fully committing to the cause. The fact is, there are several different sources of protein, not just meat products. By incorporating the foods listed above, you will be able to consume the amount of protein needed to support the health and wellness of your body. If you're currently not completely vegan, there are also clean protein powders available that will provide you with a vegetarian protein alternative to meat.


About Me

family time spent exercising and having fun

Exercise can become a family fun time. If you get your entire family involved with an exercise regimen, not only can you get healthy as a family, but you can find the time you need to spend together. With schedules being as crazy as they are in many households, it can be hard to find the time to do anything more than say goodnight and good morning before taking off to take care of the day. My blog will provide you with several ideas that can help you get your entire family involved with an exercise plan that will fit in your schedule and be fun enough for everyone to enjoy.
